"On the Earth 地に" series


Title: On the Earth 地に #1

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 318 x 410 mm

Year : 2019

"In the Sky 空に" series 



Title: In the Sky #1

Medium: Acrylic paint, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 380 x 455 mm

Year : 2019

Title: In the Sky #5

Medium: Acrylic paint, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 455 x 380 mm

Year : 2019

Title: In the Sky #2

Medium: Acrylic paint, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 652 × 530 mm 

Year : 2019

Title: In the Sky #6

Medium: Acrylic paint, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 530 x 333 mm

Year : 2019

Title: In the Sky #3

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of thousand paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 652 × 530 mm

Year : 2019

Title: In the Sky #4

Medium: Acrylic paint, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size:  652 × 530 mm

Year : 2019

Titile: 1,000 = 0

Medium: Ash of paper cranes, paper cranes on canvas キャンバスに千羽鶴、折り鶴の灰

Size: 910×727 mm

Title: Prayers

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 410 × 318 mm

Year : 2019

Title: Prayers 

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 410 × 318 mm

Year : 2019

"Circle" series

Title: Circle No.1

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 300 x 300 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Circle No.2

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 300 x 300 mm

Year: 2019

"Pieces of Life" series

One piece of thousand paper cranes are reused in this series of work. 

Paper crane is made by hand of humans. I consider it is the proof of "life". 


Title: Pieces of Life No.1

Medium: Acrylic paint, oil pastel, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 180 × 140 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Pieces of Life No.5

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, oil pastel, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 180 × 140 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Pieces of Life No.2

Medium: Acrylic paint, oil pastel, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 180 × 140 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Pieces of Life No.6

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, oil pastel, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 180 × 140 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Pieces of Life No.3

Medium: Acrylic paint, oil pastel, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 180 × 140 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Pieces of Life No.7

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, oil pastel, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 180 × 140 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Pieces of Life No.4

Medium: Acrylic paint, oil pastel, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 180 × 140 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Blue / 青

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 410 x 318 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Colors 

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, oil pastel on canvas

Size: 410 x 318 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Pink / ピンク

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 410 x 318 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Black / 黒

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 410 x 318 mm

Year: 2019

Title: Yellow / 黄

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 410 x 318 mm

Year: 2019

Title: White / 白

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: Variable 

Year: 2019

Title: Orange / 橙

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 410 x 318 mm

Year: 2019

"Black and White"

Title:White Fall

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: F50 (1167 x 910 mm)

Date: 2019/04

Title:Black Fall

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: F8(455 x 380 mm)

Date: 2019/04


Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: F6 (410 x 318 mm)

Date: 2019/04

Title:Bloom 開花

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: F6 (410 x 318 mm)

Date: 2019/04

Title: The Circle of Paper Crane’s Ash 折り鶴の灰の環

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper crane on canvas

Size : 1300×1620 mm

Date: 2019.03

Universe, peace, the cycle of life and death. 宇宙、平和、生と死の循環

Title: The Passion 受難

Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper crane, spray paint on canvas

Size : 910×727 mm

Date: 2019.01

"Orizuru" painting series 

Media: Acrylic paint, spray paint, on canvas 

Size of all: F0 (140 x 180 mm)

“Orizuru No.1”

“Orizuru No.5”

“Orizuru No.9”

“Orizuru No.2”

“Orizuru No.6”

“Orizuru No.10”

“Orizuru No.3”

“Orizuru No.7”

“Orizuru No.11”

“Orizuru No.4”

“Orizuru No.8”

“Orizuru No.12”


Media: Acrylic paint, ash of paper crane, spray paint, watercolor on canvas

Size: F30(910 x 727 mm)

Date: 01/2019

The world end clock remains only 2 minutes.

I’m afraid that nuclear weapons around the world will explode unintentionally, and erase this world in a flash.

Endless wars, unstoppable nuclear development, environmental destruction such as global warming.

The battle of good and evil at the end of the world, Armageddon. The metaphor of nuclear war.

Our world is in its equilibrium. 



"Cosmos Beat" series

Cosmos Beat No.1 

Size: F6 (410 x 318 mm) 

Medium: Acrylic paint, Watercolor paint, Spray paint on canvas

Cosmos Beat No.2

Size: F8 (455 x 380 mm)

Medium: Acrylic paint, Watercolor paint, Spray paint on canvas


Title: Spirit Bomb 

Meduim: Acrylic paint, spray paint, watercolor paint on canvas 

Size: F30 (910×910mm)


「Rebirth」とは「再生、新生」の意。 「破壊と再生、新生」という原爆による破壊から復興した故郷広島の歴史、 戦争や自然災害などから復興を経験した日本の歴史、「生と死」を繰り返す 万物の普遍性を表現したシリーズ。千羽鶴の灰が塗られたキャンバスの一層 目は 「死」や「破壊」を意味し、 その上層に色彩(絵の具)を塗り、千羽鶴を貼り付けることで「生命」や「 再生、新生」を意味させている。千羽鶴やその焼却灰は、国内外から広島市 へ送り届けられるものを再利用。制作行為自体が「再生」でもある。


“Destrcution and regeneration”which is the history of Hiroshima and Japan which are reconstructed from the destruction after the atomic- bombing and WW II. “Life and Death” which are the universality of all things. These words are the concept of this series. The first layer of canvas painted with the ash of thousand paper cranes depicts death and destruction. 

The second layer painted with colors and pasted paper cranes depict life and rebirth. The thousand paper cranes and incinerated ash delivered to Hiroshima city to pray for world peace are reused. The process of making itself is rebirth.

Title: Rebirth_01

Media: Acrylic paint, watercolor paint, ash of paper crane, spray paint on canvas

Size: M12 (606×410 mm) / each

Title: Rebirth_04

Media: Acrylic paint, watercolor paint, ash of paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: F30 (910×727 mm)

Title: Rebirth_02 

Media: Acrylic paint, watercolor paint, ash of paper crane, spray paint on canvas

Size: F6 (318 x 410 mm)

Title: Rebirth_05

Media: Acrylic paint, ash of thousand paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: 400 × 400 mm

Title: Rebirth_03

Media: Acrylic paint, watercolor paint, ash of paper crane, spray paint on canvas

Size: F30 (910×727 mm)

Title: Rebirth_06

Media: Acrylic paint, ash of thousand paper cranes, paper cranes, spray paint on canvas

Size: F6 (318 x 410 mm)

Title: August 6, 2XXX 

Medium: acrylic paint, ash of paper crane, india ink, spray paint, clothes on canvas 

Size: F50 (116.7 x 116.7 cm)

This is a possible future,

the picture of Hiroshima after WW ll to the present,

the portrait of myself living on the history,

the warning to nuclear powers,

the message to those who are ignorant of the cruelty of nuclear powers, and the prayer for peace.


Ttitle: To Remember Hiroshima


Medium: Acrylic paint, ash of paper crane, 100% carbon black, india ink, spray paint on canvas キャンバスにアクリル、折り鶴の灰、カーボンブラック、墨汁、スプレー

Size: F80 (145.5 x 112 cm)

The picture is made for a protest and an expression of intention as an artist living in Hiroshima against the nuclear powers and the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump who showed a policy to abolish the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty. The subject of the picture is a black rain (nuclear fallout) containing radioactivity caused by the atomic bomb during WW II. If the world once again runs into nuclear arms race, the risk of the usage of nuclear weapons and black rain will increase. This is the warning. Also, I quoted the following speech by John Paul II of the Roman pontiff who visited Hiroshima after the war.

"War is the work of man."

"War is destruction of human life."

"War is death."

"To remember the past is to commit oneself to the future."

"To remember Hiroshima is to abhor nuclear war."

"To remember Hiroshima is to commit to peace.

The world is going against his speech. I drew the words with the mixture of the ash of paper cranes and paint. The paper cranes were sent from all over the world to Hiroshima to pray for peace.











"Energy Beat" series 

The beat of life through the colors and shapes. 色彩と形態による生命の鼓動。

Energy Beat No.1 / acrylic paint, watercolor paint, ash of paper crane, spray paint on canvas / P15 (652 × 500 mm)

Energy Beat No.1 / acrylic paint, watercolor paint, ash of paper crane, spray paint on canvas / F15 (652 × 530 mm)

Energy Beat No.3 / acrylic paint, watercolor paint, ash of paper crane, spray paint on canvas / F15 (652 × 530 mm)

The Blooming Flame 華炎 / acrylic paint, spray paint, watercolor paint, spices on canvas / F30 (910×727 mm) 


Burned 01 - Silver / Acylic paint, spray paint, yarn on canvas / 500 x 600 mm 

Spirited red / Acylic paint, spray paint, paper on canvas / 500 x 600 mm 

Energy wave / acrylic, spray, watercolor, paper on canvas / F50 (1167 x 910 mm) 

Purple temptation / acrylic, spray, watercolor, on canvas / M15 (652 x 455mm) 

Energy free series No.45 / watercolor on paper / 380 x 540 mm

Burned 02 - Blue / Acylic paint, spray paint, yarn on canvas / 500 x 600 mm

Spirited blue / Acylic paint, spray paint, paper on canvas / 500 x 600 mm 

Colors dance / acrylic, spray, watercolor on canvas / F12 (500 x 606 mm) 

Energy free series No.55 / watercolor on paper / 380 x 540 mm

Energy free series No.44 / watercolor on paper / 380 x 540 mm

The Outburst_01 / Mixed media on canvas / 500×600 mm

The Outburst_02 / Mixed media on canvas / 500×600 mm

Red Flight / acrylic, spray, watercolor, paper on canvas / P15 (652 × 455 mm) 

Energy free series No.20 / watercolor on paper / 380 x 540 mm

Red Belief / acrylic, spray paint, watercolor, paper on canvas / F25 ( 803 x 652 mm) 

To seize the gold  / Mixed media / 1150 x 690 x 210 mm (HWD)

Blue faith / acrylic, spray, watercolor on canvas / F12 (500 x 606 mm) 

Energy free series No.66 / watercolor on paper / 380 x 540 mm

Space Fly / acrylic, spray paint on canvas /  F25 (803 × 803 mm)


Honmura port  / acrylic on canvas 

Capturing series No.2「David Cameron -What will happen in U.K.?」/ acrylic on cardboard, covered with a net

Mr. Shinro Ohtake / acrylic, pastel on paper

David Bowie as a spider (Nephila clavata) / acrylic on canvas, spray paint

Mr. Nobuyoshi Araki / acrylic, pastel on paper

Abstract digital series #6 Kid / Adobe Illustrator 

Capturing series No.1 「Sid Vicious」/ Acrylic on cardboard, covered with a net

Abstract digital series #16 Silence / Adobe Illustrator


Landscape paintings for a new ferry Naoshima 

Ferry and the worker / acrylic, pastel on paper 

The UFO / acrylic, graphite on paper / 

Honmura port / charcoal, graphite, ink on paper 

The inside of the ferry 
